
Animals, humans and nature have co-existed for thousands of years. Nevertheless, our relationship with animals and nature needs to be reassessed. How do we create a harmonious society in which animal welfare and environmental biodiversity are protected and guaranteed? We need to restructure the way we approach this. How can we trigger the necessary behavioural changes in people as part of this new type of relationship with animals and nature? How can we make effective use of state-of-the-art technology and modern measurement methods, and what practical applications would then deliver sustainable and viable forms of implementation with positive impacts on animals, humans and nature?

Applied research groups

Smart Animal Welfare Management

This applied research group aims to use smart and data-driven monitoring systems and management practices to improve animal health and welfare as part of the transition process for animal habitats and biodiversity.
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Sustainable Equestrianism

How do we ensure that issues such as animal welfare, sustainability and biodiversity are effectively anchored in equine practice? This applied research group aims to improve our understanding of the transition to a sustainable and future-proof equine sector, focused on horses themselves, humans, their habitats and the wider natural environment.
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Associate applied research groups